Dear Parents/Carers,
Madresa-e-Furqaniah is closely monitoring the advice and guidelines set out for the COVID-19 virus. As per the most recent advice received, our classes will continue to run as per normal however it is paramount that the following guidelines are followed: –
1) If your child is displaying flu like symptoms such as a continuous cough, high temperature etc. the child should not attend madrasa and should stay at home as a precaution to prevent the spread of infection.
If a parent/carer thinks symptoms are of coronavirus, they should visit:
2) If a child becomes unwell during madrasa they should inform a member of staff who will then contact the parent /carer.
3) Before leaving home, it is highly advised that the children:
🔸Use the toilet
🔹Wash their hands properly with water and soap (20 second hand wash)
🔸Make wudhu.
4) Children should bring their own tissue packs and ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ as advised by the NHS
5) Children may bring their own pocket hand sanitizers.
6) As far as possible children should avoid using madrasa toilets by relieving themselves at home. If the need arises, they should adopt good hygiene practices.
7) Towels have been removed from the Wudhu area.
If you decide not to send your child to madrasa in the current circumstances, you must notify us so that we can update our records. Fees may remain payable unless the madrasa is actually closed.
For the latest, up to date, information and guidance on the Coronavirus visit: