As we enter the last few nights of this most blessed month of Ramadhaan. We make dua to Allah that He accepts our fasting, our Qur’an recitation in the 20 Rak’aat taraweeh at night, our charity and all of our efforts however small they may be. We pray Allah grants us sincerity in all our actions.
As you will be aware we continue to make efforts to improve the facilities and upkeep of the Masjid building and grounds. We request that as a community we continue to support and maintain the General Masjid Fund for future planning by donating to the annual £100 Ramadhaan Campaign. This has proved successful in prior years and allowed many individuals to contribute. We pray that you may be rewarded well both in this life and the hereafter for your sincere efforts.
Pay in cash at the Masjid
Pay by Bank Transfer
Directly into the masjid bank account using the following details:
Zakariya Masjid
Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code 20-53-97
Account No. 90982725
Collect a standing order form from the office or set one up through online banking using the above details for a regular amount.
Pay by card/contactless payments at the Masjid
Request a door collection – we can come to you – please message the masjid office to arrange a collection.
We encourage EVERY HOUSEHOLD to participate in the Ramadhaan £100 Campaign. Jazak-Allahu khairan to all those who have already donated.
Jazak-Allahu khairan
Zakariya Masjid