Please be mindful that the clocks go back on Sunday and all prayer times will be adjusted accordingly. Please download the masjid timetable here for the adjusted times.
Registration Now Open

Madresa-e-Furqaniah Re-opens Monday 5th September
Dear parents
We pray all is well and that everyone had a good break Insha Allah. Madresa-e-Furqaniah re-opens for all current students on Monday 5th September. It is very important that all children return to madrasa on time as we will be holding a madrasa assembly to organise the children into their new classes with new teachers.
Please also ensure that the children arrive with their weekly fees. A number of parents still have outstanding fees from last year and this needs to brought up to date urgently.
This year, a NEW fees payment record sheet will be available for parents to keep a record of all payments made. This is available for download on our website. You may also pick up a copy from the Masjid upon request.
Additionally, the new academic calendar 2022-23 is available for download and a copy will also be handed to the children during the first week.
We aim to keep the website up to date with all announcements and latest news. We encourage all parents to use the website more often to keep up to date. You may also communicate with the masjid/madrasa directly via email or WhatsApp the Masjid Office.

Please reference the subject line with your child’s name and Family ID.
Jazaakumullah Khairan