Dear Parents
Iftaar at the masjid tonight
All madrasah students have been invited to participate in the iftaar meal at the Masjid tonight to break their fast with their teachers insha-‘Allah.
Students/Parents can bring in food to share with one or two others (please do not bring large dishes, as this may result in a lot of food going to waste!). Any food that is left over, should be taken home.
If you would like to bring in any items – we kindly request you ensure that any meat/chicken items are sourced from a HMC certified outlet. If in doubt, please avoid.
If your child has any dietary requirements or allergies, please inform the Masjid office.
The iftaar at the masjid is open to all madrasah students and their parents in both 1st and 2nd sessions.
Please note, during Ramadhan, the 2nd session Maktab will finish at 7.20pm to allow parents time to get back home in time for Iftaar.
Insha’Allah, we will perform Maghrib salaat immediately after the Maghrib azaan.
🕌Event: Iftaar at Zakariya Masjid
🔊Maghrib Azaan: ~7.48pm
🗓 Date: Wednesday 6th April 2022
🕰 Time: Iftaar – Maghrib Salaah 7.48pm
🕌 Venue:
Brothers/Fathers/Boys in the Masjid Main Hall
Sisters/Mothers/Girls in the Masjid Hut
Dates and Water will be served to break the fast, followed by the Maghrib salaat. Food will then be served after Maghrib insha-Allah.
Jazak-Allahu khayr,
Zakariya Masjid | Madresah-E-Furqaniah